Project Presentation

The Constanze Pressehaus Sculptors Foyer cordially invites you
to the event and reception of

DeliGrocery Project 2000

by H. N. Semjon

9/9/99 at 19.19 (7:19 pm)

Introduction: Markus Richter, Galerist

Bildhauer-Foyer Constanze Pressehaus
Kurfürstenstr. 72-74, 10787 Berlin-Tiergarten


H. N. Semjon presents his New Yorker DeliGrocery Project 2000 to the public before he leaves to the USA to realize the project.
You also will attend the premiere of the video The States of Aggregation or Semjonization by H. N. Semjon and Claudia Menge, NYC 1991.